2d Shooter
Created by Keith Dreibelbis.
Destroy the killer satellite's drones and the satellite itself! Play with WASD and your mouse.
It's a 2d shooter for the Michigan State University course Game Design and Development 1: 2d Shooter. The shooter is mostly similar to the example.
**Dear grader: the three major modifications are**:
- Added a **new enemy type**, with a new sprite, and a new "burst" way of shooting.
- Added a new projectile, **rocket**, which accelerates, and makes a whooshing sound upon a near miss.
- Added a **final boss**!
Level 1 uses only existing assets.
Level 2 adds new projectile and enemy type.
Level 3 is only the boss.
It's not that polished, but in my opinion, it turned out pretty well. I hope you will enjoy playing it.
Install instructions
Windows and MacOS zip files were compressed using the Mac's builtin "compress". Please uncompress to play.
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