Created by Keith Dreibelbis.

Destroy the killer satellite's drones and the satellite itself!  Play with WASD and your mouse.

It's a 2d shooter for the Michigan State University course Game Design and Development 1: 2d Shooter.  The shooter is mostly similar to the example.

**Dear grader: the three major modifications are**:

  • Added a **new enemy type**, with a new sprite, and a new "burst" way of shooting.
  • Added a new projectile, **rocket**, which accelerates, and makes a whooshing sound upon a near miss.
  • Added a **final boss**!

Level 1 uses only existing assets.

Level 2 adds new projectile and enemy type.

Level 3 is only the boss.

It's not that polished, but in my opinion, it turned out pretty well.  I hope you will enjoy playing it.


Mac Zip file 48 MB
Windows Zip file 39 MB

Install instructions

Windows and MacOS zip files were compressed using the Mac's builtin "compress".  Please uncompress to play.

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